Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine




  Farnesol, pharnesol, pharnesol an aromatic substance

Plant Names


English Latin
AbelmoskAbelmoschus moschatusSeed
American basswoodTilia americanaFlower
Apothecary's roseRosa gallicaFlower
AsafoetidaFerula assa-foetida
Balsam of peruMyroxylon balsamumGum
BasilOcimum basilicumPlant
Bastard cinnamonCinnamomum aromaticum
Billygoat weedAgeratum conyzoidesPlant
Bitter orangeCitrus x aurantiumLeaf
Black locustRobinia pseudo-acaciaFlower
BlueberryVaccinium corymbosumFruit
BoldoPeumus boldusLeaf
CentellaCentella asiaticaShoot
Chanel #5 treeCananga odorataFlower
Citronella grassCymbopogon winterianusPlant
Citronella grassCymbopogon nardusPlant
Cochin grassCymbopogon flexuosusLeaf
Common hopHumulus lupulusFruit, Fruit, Volatitile oil
Common jasmineJasminum officinaleFlower
Common juniperJuniperus communisLeaf
Conehead thymeThymbra capitataShoot
Cretan oreganoOriganum onitesShoot
CuminCuminum cyminumSeed
FrangipaniPlumeria rubra
FrankincenseBoswellia sacra
German chamomileMatricaria chamomillaPlant
GingerZingiber officinaleOil from the root, Rhizome, Root
Horse-weedErigeron canadensis
Indian sandalwoodSantalum album
Japanese honeysuckleLonicera japonica
Large-leaved limeTilia platyphyllosFlower
Large-leaved limeTilia rubra
Lemon grassCymbopogon citratusPlant
Lemon verbenaAloysia citrodoraPlant
Lilac or common lilacSyringa vulgarisLeaf
Lily of the valleyConvallaria majalis
LoquatEriobotrya japonica
Mulan magnoliaMagnolia liliiflora
Pirin teaSideritis scardicaShoot
RajanigandhaAgave amicaFlower
RaspberryRubus idaeusPlant
Red sageLantana camaraPlant
Roman camomileChamaemelum nobilePlant
Rosha grassCymbopogon martiniPlant
SageSalvia officinalisPlant
Saw palmettoSerenoa repensFruit
Silver limeTilia tomentosaFlower
Small leaved limeTilia cordata
Spear mintMentha spicataLeaf
Sweet acaciaVachellia farnesianaFlower, Plant
TeaCamellia sinensisLeaf
True cinnamonCinnamomum verumBark, Oil of leaves, Stem Bark

Source: LiberHerbarum/In0877

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen