Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


red dye stuff


  red dye stuff

Plant Names


English Latin
CleaversGalium aparineAerial parts
Common buglossAnchusa officinalisRhizome, Root
Common comfreySymphytum officinaleRoot
Common hollyhockAlcea roseaFlower
Common madderRubia tinctorum
Common poppyPapaver rhoeas
Common tormentilPotentilla erecta
Dyer's alkanetAlkanna tinctoriaRoot
European peonyPaeonia officinalisFlower, Root, Seed
Field gromwellBuglossoides arvensisRoot
India madderRubia manjithRhizome
Kamala treeMallotus philippensisGlandular hair
Red sandersPterocarpus santalinusWood
Squinancy wortAsperula cynanchicaRhizome
St john's wortHypericum perforatumFlower

Source: LiberHerbarum/In0377

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen