Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine




  Steroid, Steroids

Plant Names


English Latin
Aloe veraAloe veraPlant
Blue catmintNepeta grandiflora
BurweedAlternanthera pungens
Candlestick ceropegiaCeropegia candelabrum
Common chickweedStellaria mediaPlant
Common hollyIlex aquifolium
Contrayerva root?Dorstenia brasiliensis
Cure for allPluchea carolinensisPlant
Five-flavor berrySchisandra chinensisSeed
GarlicAllium sativum
GinsengPanax ginseng
Golden sealHydrastis canadensis
GuggulCommiphora wightii
GuggulCommiphora mukul
Herb parisParis polyphyllaRhizome
Himalayan indigoIndigofera heterantha
Himalayan ivyHedera nepalensis
Horse chestnutAesculus hippocastanumNut
India madderRubia manjith
Maidenhair treeGinkgo biloba
PariparobaPiper umbellatum
PeppermintMentha x piperita
Prickly chaff flowerAchyranthes aspera
PumpkinCucurbita pepoSeed
Southern maidenhair fernAdiantum capillus-veneris
StonebreakerPhyllanthus niruri
Sweet violetViola odorata
SyringaMelia azedarach
Toothed dockRumex dentatus
Wallich geraniumGeranium wallichianum
Wrinkled leaf isodonIsodon rugosus

Source: LiberHerbarum/In1234

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen