Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Downy tree of heaven



Downy tree of heaven, Tree-of-heaven, Ailanthus, Ailanthus altissima, China-sumac, Chinese sumac, Chinese sumach, Chinese tree of heaven, Copal tree, False varnish tree, Paradise tree, Stinktree, Tree of the gods, Varnish tree


Ailanthus altissima (Miller) Swingle, Ailanthus glandulosa Desfontaines, Ailanthus vilmoriniana Dode, Ailanthus altissima Swingle, Ailanthus vilmoriniana, Ailanthus glandulosa


Bast fibre, Cortex, Endodermis, Resin, Root, Root cortex, Unspecified

Diseases & Uses

Ungrouped Diseases & Uses

Adstringent, Anthelmintic, Anti-bacterial, Antibacterial Agent, Antifebrile, antiinflammatory agent in digestive tract diseases, Antipyretic, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Astrigent, Astringent, Bactericidal, Bactericide, Bacteriostatic, baktericidal, Bitter, Bitter Tonic, Blood in Stool, Blood in the stools, cardiac conditions, Cardiac diseases, cardiac problems, Cardiac troubles, Cardiovascular, Cardiovascular disease, Cardiovascular diseases, Chronic dysentery, Coloenteritis, convulsive state, cramp, Cramps, Deobstruent, disinfectant, disorder of the heart, diuretic, Emetic, enteritis, Enterocolitis, Febrifugal, febrifuge, heart complaints, heart conditions, heart disease, Heart diseases, heart disorder, heart disorders, heart problems, heart trouble, Herbicide, induce vomiting, Inflammation of the digestive tract, intestinal catarrh, intestinal worm, Intestinal worms, irritates the skin, male nocturnal emission, Melaena, Pungent, Pyretic, reduce fevers, relax spasms, relieves fevers, Rubefacient, Seminal emissions, spasm, Spasmolytic, Spermatorrhea, Spermatorrhoea, Used as an antiseptic, vomitive, Weedkillers

Women's diseases

Absence of a menstrual period, Amenorrhea, Amenorrhoea, Amenorrhœa, Amenorrhoea, Amenorrhœa, encourages menstruation, Leucorrhea, Leucorrhoea, Leukorrhea, Metrorrhagia, promote the onset of menstruation, stops bleeding of the uterus, uterine bleeding, Uterine haemorrhage, Uterine hemorrhage, Vaginal bleeding, Vaginal hemorrhage

Other uses

colouring, deters insects, Dye, Dyeing, Insecticidal, Insecticide, Insectifuge, Insect repellent, repels insects, Used to dye different types of fibres

TCM - Traditional Chinese medicine

TCM MERIDIAN: NA, Traditional Chinese medicine, Used in traditional Chinese medicin

Local (Geographical) use

Phytomedical use in China, Phytomedical use in Cyprus, Phytomedical use in Korea


 1-Hexacosanol, Beta-Sitosterol, calcium oxalate, cellulose, Elaidic acid, fat, Fisetin, gallic acid, Hemicellulose, Isoquercetin, Lignin, mucilage, Oleoresin, Phlobaphenes, Polysaccharide, protein, Quassin, Quercetin, resin, Rhamnose, saponin, Scopoletin, tannin, Tanning agents

Source: LiberHerbarum/Pn1791

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen