Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Japanese iris



Iris family (Iridaceae)


Japanese iris, Beaked iris, Japanese water iris


Iris ensata Thunb.

Diseases & Uses

Ungrouped Diseases & Uses

Alexiteric, Alterative, anorexia, Anorexy, Anthelmintic, Anthelmintics, antidote, Antidotes, Anti-helminthic, Antihelminthics, antihelmintic, Appetite stimulant, Appetizer, Appetizing, blood cleanser, blood cleansing, Blood-purifier, Cleanses the blood, depurant, Depurative, dispel worms, diuretic, expel worms, helmint, Hepatic, improves appetite, improve the complexion, inappetence, Increases the appetite, lack of appetite, Loss of appetite, Poison Antidote, Poor appetite, purify blood, purify the blood, Stimulant to increase appetite, stimulate the appetite, to cleanse the blood, treatment for worms, Vermicide, vermifugal, vermifuge, worm, worms

Source: LiberHerbarum/Pn3439

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen