Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Chinese mallow





Chinese mallow, Cluster mallow, Curled mallow, Curly-leaved mallow, Dong kui, Mallow, Mellow, Musk mallow, Musk mellow, Whorled mallow


Malva verticillata Linnaeus, Malva crispa (L.) L., Malva mohileviensis Downar, Malva verticillata var. crispa Linnaeus, Malva mohileviensis Downer, Malva verticillata, Malva crispa L., Malva verticillata var. crispa

Diseases & Uses

Ungrouped Diseases & Uses

Aids digestion, alleviating, Antiinflammatory, antiinflammatory agent, Antiulcer, aperient, bad digestion, benificial effect on the digestion, Calmative, Calming of nerves, catharic, Cathartic, conjunctivitis, conjunctvitis, Demulcent, Dental Analgesic, Dental pain, Digestive, Digestive stimulant, digestive trouble, Digestive weakness, dispepsia, diuretic, dyspepsia, emollient, Emollients, Eupeptic, eye infections, eye inflammation, General inflammation, General inflammations, Good for digestion, improves digestion, indigestion, inflamed eyes, inflammation, inflammation in general, inflammation of the eyes, inflammations, Inflammations in general, laxative, mitigating, Moisturizers, movements of the bowel, Ophthalmia, palliative, Poor digestion, Promotes digestion, Purgative, relaxes the nervous system, sedative, septic opthalmitis, soothe, soothes nerves, Soothing, Sore and inflamed eyes, Sore eyes, stimulates digestion, Tooth ache, Tranquilizer, Tranquilliser, tranquillizer, Ulcerous sores, ulcers, Warming digestive

Women's diseases

Aids milk flow in nursing mothers, Encourages breast milk, Ensures good milk supply, Galactagogue, Galactopoietic, increase milk sekretion in women, Lactagogue, Milk production stimulant, promotes the flow of milk, stimulate milk production, stimulate the flow of milk

Other uses

colouring, Dye, Dyeing, Used to dye different types of fibres

TCM - Traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine, Used in traditional Chinese medicin

Local (Geographical) use

Phytomedical use in Brazil, Phytomedical use in China, Phytomedical use in Korea, Used in Bangladesh


 unsaturated fatty acids, Vegetable oil

Source: LiberHerbarum/Pn3674

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen