Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Ascending ludwigia



Ascending ludwigia, Creeping water primrose, Floating malayan willow-herb, Jussiaeae herba, Pond dragon, Water primrose


Ludwigia adscendens (L.) H.Hara, Jussiaea repens L., Ludwigia adscendens (L.)Hara, Jussieva repens L.


Entire plant, Unspecified

Diseases & Uses

Ungrouped Diseases & Uses

Antifebrile, Antipyretic, blood cleanser, blood cleansing, Blood-purifier, Cleanses the blood, Constipation, Costive, Costiveness, Dental Analgesic, Dental pain, depurant, Depurative, diuretic, Dyschezia, Dyssynergic defaecation, Febrifugal, febrifuge, Heat stroke, purify blood, purify the blood, Pyretic, reduce fevers, relieves fevers, Sun stroke, to cleanse the blood, Toothache

Local (Geographical) use

Phytomedical used in Chaoshan, China, Phytomedical used in Fujian, China, Phytomedical use in Vietnam


 Arsenic, Astragalin, Calcium, Copper, iron, Isoquercetin, magnesium, manganese, Mercury, potassium, Quercetin, sodium, zinc

Source: LiberHerbarum/Pn6189

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen