Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine





Plant Names


English Latin
AllspicePimenta dioicaPlant
American ginsengPanax quinquefoliusOil from the root
AristolochiaAristolochia indica
Blue gumEucalyptus tereticornisShoot
BoldoPeumus boldusLeaf
Cistus incanusCistus x incanus
CloveSyzygium aromaticumLeaf
Common gum cistusCistus ladanifer
Common hopHumulus lupulusFruit, Fruit
CubebPiper cubebaFruit, Fruit
Gray-boxEucalyptus moluccanaShoot
GumCorymbia maculataShoot
Herb hyssopHyssopus officinalisShoot
Lemon scented gumCorymbia citriodoraShoot
Marsh labrador teaRhododendron tomentosumLeaf
PeppermintMentha x piperitaPlant
River red gumEucalyptus camaldulensisShoot
SageSalvia officinalisOil of leaves
Sugar gumEucalyptus cladocalyxShoot
Tasmanian blue gumEucalyptus globulusLeaf, Oil of leaves, Shoot
ValerianValeriana officinalisRoot
VitexVitex agnus-castusFlower, Fruit, Leaf, Oil of leaves

Source: LiberHerbarum/In0525

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen