Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine




  Acetophenone, Acetophenon, Methyl phenyl ketone, Phenylethanone

Plant Names


English Latin
Baikal skullcapScutellaria baicalensisOil from the root
Bitter appleCitrullus lanatusFruit juice
Black pepperPiper nigrumOil of fruits
CeleriacApium graveolensSeed
ChicoryCichorium intybusRoot
Chinese ephedraEphedra sinica
CloveSyzygium aromaticumFruit
Common gum cistusCistus ladanifer
Common tobaccoNicotiana tabacumLeaf
German irisIris x germanicaRhizome
LiquoriceGlycyrrhiza glabraRoot
NettleUrtica dioicaPlant
Ontario balsam poplarPopulus balsamiferaPlant, Volatitile oil
Red cloverTrifolium pratenseFlower, Fruit
RooibosAspalathus linearisOil of leaves
Salad rocketEruca vesicaria
Spear mintMentha spicataLeaf, Volatitile oil
St john's wortHypericum perforatumPlant
TeaCamellia sinensisPlant
VanillaVanilla planifoliaFruit
Vietnamese balmElsholtzia ciliataShoot

Source: LiberHerbarum/In1192

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen