Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine




  Amylase, Diastase

Plant Names


English Latin
AcaciaVachellia niloticaPlant
AlfalfaMedicago sativaPlant
Aloe veraAloe veraLeaf
American ginsengPanax quinquefoliusPlant
Ansu apricotPrunus armeniacaFruit
AppleMalus domesticaPlant
BananaMusa x paradisiacaFruit
BetelPiper betleLeaf
Castor oil plantRicinus communisSeed
Cocoa treeTheobroma cacaoSeed
Common figFicus caricaLatex Exudate
Common tobaccoNicotiana tabacumLeaf
FlaxLinum usitatissimumSeed
GinsengPanax ginseng
Horse radishArmoracia rusticanaRoot
Ivy gourdCoccinia grandisSap
LentilVicia lensSeed
Lingzhi mushroomGanoderma lucidumPlant
Opium poppyPapaver somniferumFruit
Purging crotonCroton tigliumSeed
Red sageLantana camaraLeaf
SoybeanGlycine maxSeed
Water cressNasturtium officinalePlant
White bryonyBryonia albaRoot
Wild carrotDaucus carotatissue culture
Wild cherryPrunus aviumFruit

Source: LiberHerbarum/In1711

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen