Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine





Brooklime, European brooklime, European speedwell, Marsh, Mouth smart, Neckweed, Speed-well, Water pimpernell, Water purslane, Water speedwell


Veronica beccabunga LINN.


Entire plant, Flowering plant, Herb, Unspecified

Diseases & Uses

Ungrouped Diseases & Uses

Aids digestion, Alterative, Anorexia, Anorexy, Anti-asthmatic, Antifebrile, Anti-pyretic, Anti-scorbutic, Anti-Tubercular, Aperient, Aperitive, Appetite stimulant, Appetizer, Appetizing, Asthma, bad digestion, benificial effect on the digestion, Bladder stone, bleeding gums, blood cleanser, blood cleansing, Blood purifier, Cataplasm, catharic, Cathartic, Cleanses the blood, compress, Constipation, Consumption, Costive, Costiveness, cough, Coughing, Coughs, Cystolith, cystolithiasis, depurant, Depurative, Diaphoretic, Digestive, Digestive stimulant, digestive trouble, Digestive weakness, dispepsia, diuretic, Dyschezia, Dyspepsia, Dyssynergic defaecation, Eupeptic, expectorant, Expellant of phlegm, Febrifugal, febrifuge, Febrile response, Fever, feverish condition, Fevers, fomentation, Glandular disease, Glandular disorder, glandular disorders, Good for digestion, Gum Bleeding, hidrotic, improves appetite, improves digestion, improve the complexion, inappetence, Increases the appetite, Indigestion, Induce sweating, lack of appetite, laxative, Loss of appetite, Lung ailments, Lung complaints, lung disease, lung diseases, lung disorders, Lung problems, mild laxative, Mildly laxative, movements of the bowel, MTB, Mucolytic agent, Phthisis, Phthisis pulmonalis, Phthysis, Poor appetite, Poor digestion, poultice, Promotes digestion, promoting metabolism, Pulmonary Conditions, pulmonary disease, Purgative, purify blood, purify the blood, Pyretic, Pyrexia, reduce fevers, relieves fevers, scorbutus, Scrofula, Scrofulosis, Scurvy, spring fatigue, Stimulant to increase appetite, stimulates digestion, stimulate the appetite, sudorific, sweat-inducing, TB, to cleanse the blood, tuberculosis, Used in the treatment of cough, vesical calculi, Vesical calculus, Warming digestive

Women's diseases

Absence of a menstrual period, Amenorrhea, Amenorrhœa, Amenorrhoea, Amenorrhœa, Amenorrhoea, encourages menstruation, promote the onset of menstruation

Local (Geographical) use

Phytomedical use in Brazil


 aucubin, Bitter Components, essential oil, Tannic acid, Tanning agents, Vitamin C

Source: LiberHerbarum/Pn0305

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen