Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Sea wormwood



Sea wormwood, Old woman., Sea pink, Thrift


Artemisia maritima L., Seriphidium maritimum (L.) Poljakow, Artemisia maritima, Artemisia santonicum* L., Seriphidium maritimum, Artemisia maritima ssp. maritima


Entire plant, Grass, Unspecified

Diseases & Uses

Ungrouped Diseases & Uses

Acid indigestion, Affections of the liver, Anorexia, Anorexy, Anthelmintic, Anti-bacterial, Antibacterial Agent, Anti-eczemic, Antifebrile, Anti-heartburn, Anti-pyretic, antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Appetite stimulant, Appetizer, Appetizing, Asthenia of liver, Bactericidal, Bactericide, Bacteriostatic, baktericidal, Blood cleanser, blood cleansing, Blood-purifier, Cardialgia, Carminative, Carminativum, Choleretic, Cleanses the blood, Clears gas, constipation, convulsive state, Costive, Costiveness, cramp, cramps, Cutaneous Eruptions, depurant, Depurative, disease of the liver, disinfectant, disorders of the liver, diuretic, Dyschezia, Dyssynergic defaecation, eczema, eruption, excema, Fart, Febrifugal, febrifuge, Febrile response, fever, feverish condition, Fevers, Flatulence, flatulency, flatus, Gas, good for the stomach, gravel, heartburn, hepatic disease, Hepatic disorders, hepatic problems, Herbal tonic, improves appetite, inappetence, Increases the appetite, increase the bile secretion, intestinal gas, intestinal worm, Intestinal worms, kidney gravel, kidney sand, lack of appetite, Liver ailments, liver complaints, liver diseases, Liver disorders, Liverishness, liver problems, Loss of appetite, Pick-me-up, Poor appetite, Psychostimulants, purify blood, purify the blood, Pyretic, Pyrexia, pyrosis, Rash, Rashes, reduce fevers, relax spasms, relieves fevers, Renal Calculi, renal calculus, skin eruption, Skin Eruptions, skin rashes, Spasm, Spasmolytic, Stimulant, Stimulants, Stimulant to increase appetite, Stimulates the flow of bile, Stimulates the gallbladder, stimulate the appetite, stimulating, stomach atony, stomach debility, stomachic, stomach lassitude, stomach tonic, to cleanse the blood, Tonic, Used as an antiseptic, Used as a stimulant, Used in the treatment of liver disorders, weak stomach, wind

Women's diseases

Absence of a menstrual period, All women's diseases, Amenorrhea, Amenorrhoea, Amenorrhœa, Amenorrhoea, Amenorrhœa, encourages menstruation, feminine disorders, Gynaecological, Gyneacological, Gyneacologycal, Gyneacoloical, promote the onset of menstruation


Condiment, culinary, Culinary herb, spice, spice in aquavit, Vegetable, Vegetables

Other uses

drive out fleas

TCM - Traditional Chinese medicine

TCM MERIDIAN: NA, Traditional Chinese medicine, Used in traditional Chinese medicin

Religion, Magic & Witchcraft

Magic, magic power, magic use, Witchcraft, Witchery

Local (Geographical) use

Phytomedical used in northern India


 absinthin, absinthum, Bitter Components, Carotene, chamazulene, essential oil, eucalyptol, fat, protein, santonin, Tanning agents, thujone, Vitamin C

Source: LiberHerbarum/Pn0388

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen