Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine





Hemlock, Carrot-fern, Conium, Deadly hemlock, Fool's-parsley, Helm chock, Herb bennet. beaver poison, Kecksies, Kex, Mother die, Poison, Poison-hemlock, Poison parsley, Spotted cowbane, Spotted hemlock, Spotted parsley, St. bennett's herb


Conium maculatum LINN., Cicuta maculata* Lam., Conium maculatum


Entire plant, Fruit, Juice, Leaf, Plant, Roots, Seed, Unspecified

Diseases & Uses

Ungrouped Diseases & Uses

100-day cough, abscess, Abscesses, Ache, Aches, Anaesthetic, Analgesic, Anaphrodisiac, Anesthetic, Anodyne, Antalgic, Anti-abscess, Anticonvulsant, Anti-epileptic, Anti-gonorrhea, Antispasmodic, Antisyphilitic, Boils, Calmative, Calming of nerves, cause drowsiness, Chest complaint, Chest Conditions, Chronic pain, clap, convulsion, Convulsions, convulsive state, Cramp, Cramps, decrease sexual desire, disease of the eye, Diseases of chest, diseases of the respiratory tract, disorders in the respiratory passages, emetic, Epilepsy, Erysipelas, Eye complaints, Eye disease, eye diseases, Glandular swellings, gonorrhea, Gonorrhoea, herpes zoster, Hypnotic, hysteria, Ignis sacer, induce vomiting, lulling, lymphatic swellings, make one drowsy, Nerve problems, nervous disease, nervous disorders, Neurological disorders, neurosis, No medical use, no medicinal use, ophthalmic disease, Ophthalmic problems, opthalmic disease, Pain, painful disorders, painkiller, pain relief, pain relieving, Pains, pains in general, pain stilling, Pectoral, Pertussis, psoriasis, relaxes the nervous system, relax spasms, Respiratory affections, Respiratory ailments, respiratory complaints, Respiratory disease, Respiratory diseases, respiratory disorders, respiratory illness, Scabies, sedative, Seven-year itch, shingles, Skin itching (scabies), soothe, soothes nerves, Soothing, Soporific, spasm, Spasmolytic, St. Anthony's fire, St Anthony's fire, superficial wound, supress desires of the flesh, swollen glands, Swollen lymph glands, syphilis, the rose, Tranquilizer, Tranquilliser, tranquillizer, vomitive, Whooping cough


Anti-cancer, Anti-Cancer (Skin), Anti-carcinogenic, anticarcinogenig, Anticarcinomic, Anti-carciogenic, Anti-cariogenic, Anti-neoplastic, Anti-tumor, Anti-tumor activity, cancer, Cancerous tumour, Malignant neoplasm, Malignant tumor, malignant tumour, Neoplasm, Skin cancer, Tumor, tumor-inhibiting, Tumor inhibition, tumor-reducing, Tumors, Tumour, Tumour inhibition

Women's diseases

Reduces breast milk

Homoeopathically uses

Anti-arteriosclerotic, Anti-atherosclerotic, Arteriosclerosis, Arteriosclerotic vascular disease, Atherosclerosis, dizziness, eye disorders, Hardening of the arteries, Hardning of the arteries, homoeopathically use, Homoeopathically uses, prostate problems, prostate trouble, Prostatic condition, Prostatic disease, swollen glands, Thickened arteries


Hallucinogen, hallucinogenic, induce hallucinations, No folk medical use, no folk medicinal use, paralyses respiratory organ, Poison, Poisonous, Toxic

Other uses

poisoned drinks

TCM - Traditional Chinese medicine

TCM MERIDIAN: NA, Traditional Chinese medicine, Used in traditional Chinese medicin

Local (Geographical) use

Phytomedical used in the south of Kerman, Iran, Phytomedical use in Brazil, Phytomedical use in Cyprus, Phytomedical use in Greece


 alkaloid, Arabinose, Bitter Components, caffeic acid, Chlorogenic acid, Coniferin, coniine, Diosmin, essential oil, Falcarinone, fat, Flavin, flavo-Glycoside, Lignin, Methyl-Coniine, N-Methyl-(-)-Coniine, Pentosan, poisonous alkaloid, protein, uronic acid, Xylose

Source: LiberHerbarum/Pn0270

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen