Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


hypertrophy of prostate

Diseases & Uses

Ungrouped Diseases & Uses

hypertrophy of prostate, prostatic enlargement, prostatic hypertrophy, Swelling of the prostate

Plant Names



Alpine willowherbEpilobium fleischeri
Annual nettleUrtica urens
Broad-leaved willow herbEpilobium montanum
Cliff willowherbEpilobium collinum
Dwarf willowherbEpilobium obscurum
Field horsetailEquisetum arvense
Golden rodSolidago virgaurea
Horse chestnutAesculus hippocastanum
Marsh willow herbEpilobium palustre
NettleUrtica dioica
Pale willow-herbEpilobium roseum
Pimpernel willowherbEpilobium anagallidifolium
Smallflower hairy willowherbEpilobium parviflorum
Spear-leaved willow-herbEpilobium lanceolatum
White dead-nettleLamium album

Source: LiberHerbarum/Sn0959

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen